Individual Therapy
Serving ADULTS IN Cambridge, MA, and surrounds.
When you’re juggling a lot, it feels like you can never slow down to think things through. You’re just too busy “doing.”
Maybe your life is ruled by deadlines and timelines or other people’s needs and requests. There’s just so much to keep track of that you can feel overwhelmed, anxious, worried, or stressed.
You aren’t alone. Many of my clients feel exactly this way when they first walk through my door.
Though it might be hard to see it right now, there is a way through this.
You might be struggling with…
Finding Balance
You’re overwhelmed and struggling to fit all the pieces together. You feel like you aren’t meeting expectations (including your own).
It’s hard to turn your brain off. You feel stressed, tense, and tired. There’s a constant running to-do list in the back of your head.
Work Stress
Procrastination. Constant second-guessing. Maybe you’re comparing yourself to others, and feeling like you’re not measuring up.
Whether it’s your first time or you’ve been doing this for a while, parenting comes with so much uncertainty. Perhaps it’s not going how you had hoped or expected.
“Other people have it so much worse. Maybe I should just handle this on my own.”
Maybe you’re thinking to yourself “Do I even need help? Is this really an issue?” It might even feel challenging to consider carving out some time in your week to come to therapy.
You are worthy of the same care that you give to everything else in your life.
You give so much to your work, your family, your relationships–and you want to be able to do that.
Therapy is the space where you can both recharge and pause to consider the bigger questions. Things like: What does your best life or best self look like? What are the patterns that get in your way? How can you make changes that stick?
We can work together to answer these questions and more.

It’s your time.
You get to decide how to use it.
I don’t believe that there is one right way to do therapy. My style is flexible. Some weeks we work on the practical. Other weeks we take a look at deeper questions.
And you don’t need to make a long-term commitment to come in every week if that doesn’t work for you.