Being a parent is not how you expected it to be.
Therapy for new parents In-person & Online.
You knew it was going to be hard. But the challenges were not the ones you planned for.
You don’t feel how you expected to feel, and for that, you feel guilty.
People tell you, “appreciate every moment because they go by fast.” However, the truth is that they aren't all enjoyable! Many of them are so hard that you find yourself just wishing they were over.
It’s hard to stay present with so many things pulling for your attention at once.
Or perhaps your child is just different than you expected.
This might feel taboo to say (or even think), but so many parents have this very experience!
Of course, you love your child more than anything. However, when your child faces a unique challenge, like a health struggle or a tricky temperament, you’re going to have feelings about it because you're a human being!
OR maybe your kid is easy and healthy…but you still can't stop worrying that you are messing up somehow.
Parent guilt is real! It’s hard not to compare yourself to social media “supermoms” or to the parents you see out in the world that seem to “have it all together.”
Or maybe you want to raise your child differently than you were raised, but you just don’t know how to do it. There is way too much information out there, and you get overwhelmed trying to figure it out.
I want you to know I get it.
I get what it's like to feel like a bad parent, or to try to juggle "all the things" only to feel like you aren't succeeding at any of them. To top it off, the pressure to never have any “bad feelings” about any of it.

We’ll work together to figure out what you CAN change.
And for the things you can’t, we will make space for the hard stuff, let go of guilt and sometimes even find beauty in the challenge.
Being a parent is unpredictable. That’s why I offer flexible scheduling and online appointments.
You don’t have to commit to weekly sessions, or long-term treatment if that doesn’t work for you.
All my services are available online using a secure online “telehealth” platform. This is a service I have offered for several years, as it suits my clients’ busy lifestyles, and I will continue to offer it in the future.

Parenting is hard, but it doesn’t mean you have to be hard on yourself.
Get in touch to schedule a consultation.